
14 May 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the mothers out there, hope you have a wonderful day. I finally collected the bunny I made for my mum from the framers yesterday. I had sent it in last week and it has been ready more than a few days ago but I had been busy and it wasn't until yesterday that my dad helped me picked it up and snuck it into the house when my mum was out. Thanx Dad! Last night, I left it wrapped up on the table together with a set of clothes I had made for her to find in the morning. I was bedridden most of today by a horrible headache and as she had some church meetings to attend, it wasn't until later in the day that I she told me that she likes my gift.
It had not been an easy feat keeping it a secret from her. I remember how she came into my room when I was still halfway stitching the bunny. Boy, did I scrambled to get everything hidden! Actually, I just rolled it up and it was still in plain sight on the table. Since I've shown everything I've stitched to my mum, she assumed that I wouldn't mind her taking a peek at this one too so she must have been shocked that I practically shouted, "don't touch!" when she reached for it. Well, at least I managed to invent a reason, albeit a lame one, saying that it's not finished yet. At last, the cat is out and I can rest easy.


Karen said...

What a sweet gift! Glad to hear that your mom liked it :)

Leeland said...

Sorry about that headache! They can make a day hell on earth!
Glad to read that your mom loves your present: she could only love it!
Take care!

Dolci Fusa said...

Very nice piece!

Meari said...

It looks great in that frame! Nice job.

Sasha Farina said...

what an adorable bunny for your mom :)